Search Results for: applicant tracking system

How to Know What Salary to Ask For, with Anica John

Podcast Summary: It’s easy to be so determined to land a new job that you don’t stop to consider what your career and financial goals are. Before you send out your next job application, you need to research salaries for your industry and position. Find Your Dream Job guest Anica...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 187: How to Know What Salary to Ask For, with Anica John Airdate: April 17, 2019 Mac Prichard: Today’s show is brought to you by the City of Portland, Oregon, the city that works. The City of Portland is hiring today and posts...

The Hidden Costs of Recruitment

…recruitment costs to consider before hiring a candidate. Typical costs to employers include: Advertising job listings Utilizing an applicant tracking system to manage resumes. Finder’s fees for third-party recruiting firms…

Why You Need to Network When You Don’t Need Help, with Karen Wickre

Podcast Summary: As a culture, we are more disconnected than ever before. We move often and change jobs quickly. Many people don’t think about networking until they need help finding their next job. It’s vital to stay connected to others and to nurture our network authentically even when we don’t...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 180: Why You Need to Network When You Don’t Need Help, with Karen Wickre Airdate: February 27, 2019 Mac Prichard: Hi! Mac from Mac’s List here. Today’s episode is brought to you by Jobscan, the online tool that optimizes your resume and boosts...

Why Interviewing Is a Two-Way Street, with Michelle Neal

Podcast Summary: If you walk into an interview ready to answer questions but don’t have any of your own to ask, you are not taking full advantage of the interview process. You have a responsibility to not only answer questions but to ask them of everyone you talk to within...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 179: Interviewing is a Two-Way Street, with Michelle Neal Airdate: February 20, 2019 Mac Prichard: Hi, Mac, from Mac’s List here. Today’s episode is brought to you by Jobscan, the online tool that optimizes your resume and boosts you chances of landing an...

Back to Work Strategies for Stay-at-Home Parents, with Stephanie Smith

Podcast Summary: If you are preparing to return to work after some time as a stay-at-home parent, you may feel unsure about where to begin. How do you explain the gap in your resume while also showing what you’ve accomplished during that time? Careers expert, Stephanie Smith, says a smart job...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 177: Back to Work Strategies for Stay at Home Parents, with Stephanie Smith Airdate: February 6, 2019 Mac Prichard: Hi! Mac from Mac’s List here. Today’s episode is brought to you by Jobscan, the online tool that optimizes your resume and boosts your...

How to Explain Why You Left Your Last Job, with Andrew Peters

Podcast Summary: One of the most difficult obstacles to overcome in a job search is leaving your job for a new one after only a few months of being there. Will potential new employers see you as a flight risk? And how can you overcome the appearance of being a...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Bonus Episode: How to Explain Why You Left Your Last Job, with Andrew Peters Air date: December 10, 2018 Mac Prichard: This is Find Your Dream Job, the podcast that helps you get hired, find the career you want, and make a difference in...

Writing Mistakes Job Seekers Make, with Donna Svei

Podcast Summary: Imagine that you are a candidate for a great job. You put together the perfect application, you nail the interview, and it looks like the job is yours on a silver platter. But in your thank you note, you misspell the name of the hiring manager. That simple...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 167: Writing Mistakes Job Seekers Make, with Donna Svei Airdate: November 28, 2018 Mac Prichard: This is Find Your Dream Job, the podcast that helps you get hired, have the career you want, and make a difference in life. I’m your host, Mac...

How to Customize Your Resume (Without Driving Yourself Crazy), with Louise Kursmark

Podcast Summary: Job seekers who customize their resume for each individual job application have a huge advantage over those who rely on using a single generic resume. It takes less time than you might think to customize your resume and it’s not at all complicated. Our guest this week on...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 164: How to Customize Your Resume (Without Making Yourself Crazy), with Louise Kursmark Airdate: November 7, 2018 Mac Prichard: This is Find Your Dream Job, the podcast that helps you get hired, have the career you want, and make a difference in life....

How to Nail Your First Impression, with Merryn Roberts-Huntley

Podcast Summary: It is critical to make a great first impression when job hunting. As soon as you walk in the door, you are being judged on your looks, speech, and behavior. However, being on your best behavior is only one aspect of making a great first impression. You also...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 163: How to Nail Your First Impression, with Merryn Roberts-Huntley Airdate: October 31, 2018 Mac Prichard: This is Find Your Dream Job, the podcast that helps you get hired, have the career you want, and make a difference in life. I’m your host,...

How to Find a Job Without Applying Online, with Austin Belcak

Podcast Summary: As a job seeker, what is the first thing you do when looking for your next job or career move? Do you get online, find jobs you might be interested in, and then go through the online application process? If so, you might be shocked to learn that...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 159: How to Get a Job Without Applying Online, with Austin Belcak Airdate: October 3, 2018 Mac Prichard: This is Find Your Dream Job, the podcast that helps you get hired, have the career you want, and make a difference in life. I’m...

Don’t Believe These Job Search Myths, with Clark Finnical

Podcast Summary: Do you think it’s a best practice to never call or write a hiring manager? Or that you should only apply for jobs where you meet 80% of qualifications? How about the notion that you must tell a hiring manager what you earned at your last job? Our...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 157: How to Get a Job Without Applying Online, with Clark Finnical Airdate: September 19, 2018 Mac Prichard: This is Find Your Dream Job, the podcast that helps you get hired, have the career you want, and make a difference in life. I’m...

Signs It’s Time to Leave Your Job, with Jessica Hernandez

Podcast Summary: If you find yourself experiencing doubts about your current job position, look for warning signs that it’s not worth sticking it out. A toxic workplace culture, stagnant company growth, no room for career development and other indicators can be clear signs that it’s time to move on. Our...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 156: Signs It’s Time to Leave Your Job, with Jessica Hernandez Airdate: September 12, 2018 Mac Prichard: This is Find Your Dream Job, the podcast that helps you get hired, have the career you want, and make a difference in life. I’m Mac...

Why You Can’t Keep Your Options Open, with Caroline Adams

Podcast Summary: It’s a common phrase when you’re looking for a job, “keep your options open.” However, keeping all of your options open and applying everywhere is typically not the best approach. On this episode of the Find Your Dream Job podcast, career coach Caroline Adams reveals why it’s in...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 154: Why You Can’t Keep Your Options Open, with Caroline Adams Airdate: August 29, 2018 Mac Prichard: Hi, this is Mac of Mac’s List. Find Your Dream Job is presented by Mac’s List, an online community where you can find free resources for...

How to Make Your Resume Attractive to Recruiters, with Taranum Khan

Podcast Summary: With today’s competitive job market, submitting your resume online to recruiters can sometimes feel like throwing it into a black hole. However, there’s a better way to highlight your skills, select strategic keywords, and build a better resume that will attract recruiters who are hiring. Tarunum Khan, certified...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 152: How to Make Your Resume Attractive to Recruiters, with Taranum Khan Airdate: August 15, 2018 Mac Prichard: Hi, this is Mac of Mac’s List. Find Your Dream Job is presented by Mac’s List, an online community where you can find free resources...

How to Read Between the Lines of a Job Posting, with Justin Dux

Podcast Summary: You might think that every job posting is a list of facts about the position. But taking a cursory read of the job posting is a mistake, according to career expert Justin Dux. On this episode of the Find Your Dream Job podcast, we learn why you need...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 151: How to Read Between the Lines of a Job Posting, with Justin Dux Airdate: August 8, 2018 Mac Prichard: Hi, this is Mac of Mac’s List. Find Your Dream Job is presented by Mac’s List, an online community where you can find...

Mentors: How to Find One and How to Be One, with Marci Alboher

Podcast Summary: Mentors can make an incredible difference in your career. A mentor can make introductions, give you advice, and provide you with a trusted reference. Discover how to find a great mentor and how to be one yourself. On this episode of Find Your Dream Job, we’re joined by...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 147: Mentors: How to Find One, How to Be One, with Marci Alboher Airdate: July 11, 2018 Mac Prichard: Hi, this is Mac of Mac’s List. Find Your Dream Job is presented by Mac’s List, an online community where you can find free...

The Truth About Online Job Postings, with Christine LaPorte

Podcast Summary: In today’s world, applying for a job online means you’re bound to face some fierce competition. In some cases, you may be competing with an internal candidate. And in other instances, you may be competing with recruiters working for the hiring manager. Any number of online job postings...

Podcast Transcript: Find Your Dream Job, Episode 144: The Truth About Job Postings, with Christine LaPorte Airdate: June 20, 2018 Mac Prichard: Hi, this is Mac of Mac’s List. Find Your Dream Job is presented by Mac’s List, an online community where you can find free resources for your job...