Cover Letter Crash Course

The cover letter is not dead. If you believe that, you’re probably doing it wrong.
And if you are doing it wrong, don’t feel bad. You’re definitely not alone. Plenty of people are doing cover letters wrong.
Writing a cover letter that grabs the attention of decision-makers, draws them into your story, and swiftly spells out what you can walk through their doors and deliver is really challenging, even for natural born writers.
That’s why Jenny Foss (AKA: Job Jenny) created this FREE Cover Letter Crash Course — to teach you not only how to construct a good cover letter but to construct one that stops them in their tracks and helps you land the interview. (And then the job!) Jenny is a Detroit-girl-turned-Portlander (the one on the left coast), who has been helping people navigate job search, grow their careers — and make incredible career pivots — for nearly 20 years.
Jenny is a long-time recruiter who understands how hiring managers and other decision-makers think and act; a LinkedIn Learning instructor (check out her 10+ career-related courses right here); a certified professional resume writer (she’s got the “paperwork” down to a literal science); and a booked-solid career coach with happy clients at amazing companies like Nike, Boeing, Amazon, Airbnb, GM, Hearst Magazines, and many more.
Her cover letter formula has — time and time again — landed her clients’ interviews, often very quickly.
Step right up and Jenny will show you exactly how we do it.
As for timing, this course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. But chances are, if you’re looking at your dream job, you’ll want to breeze through this course quickly so you can send out your killer cover letter ASAP! How long do I have access to the course? How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.