What Do Employers See When They Google Your Name?

When it comes to our online behavior, hindsight is 20/20. The good news is that you can (literally) re-write your online history.

I can show you how. My free online course, How to Wow and Woo Employers Online, is a three-part tutorial on how to clean up your online history and build an online presence that gets noticed–for all the right reasons.

At least 80% of employers use internet searches to screen candidates. So you’ve got to look good online if you want to get the interview and land the job.

You don’t need to be a master hacker or Mark Zuckerberg to build a great online presence. You just need to follow some basic best practices.

Employers have actually been very clear about the “red flags” they’re looking for in your online history. Most of these are fairly obvious taboos–things that you probably know you shouldn’t have shared or posted. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize the mistake they’re making until it’s too late.

Want proof? Check this out.

In a 2013 survey from the Society for Human Resource Management, HR managers reported the frequency in which they find different internet faux-pas in their review of candidates:

What Employers Find Online

The lesson here is simple: fix the small things and you’re way ahead of the game.

You don’t need to be perfect. We’ve all done things online that we probably shouldn’t have: sharing photos from a bachelor party, venting about your boss, leaving an irate comment, etcetera.

Fortunately, you can go back and edit or delete any questionable content so that you shine for prospective employers.

See also  The Best Informational Interview Questions to Ask & Why They Work

I explain everything you have to do–and share tools to help you–in How To Wow and Woo Employers Online.

I built this course because I’ve seen so many professionals have their job search derailed by relatively minor online mistakes: an unkind comment posted on Facebook, an embarrassing picture from some party, or some long-forgotten blog post from their more reckless youth.

How to Wow and Woo Employers Online teaches you how to edit, delete and bury this potentially embarrassing content.

But the course isn’t just about playing defense. I show you how to use social media to accelerate your job search, broaden the job opportunities you find, and attract employers.

There is an art to connecting with recruiters and hiring managers on the internet. You can build an online brand that makes them come to you when they want to make a new hire. I’ll show you how in the course.