4 Must-Ask Questions for Your Next Informational Interview

I had the good fortune a few years back to attend a Communicators Conference sponsored by the Portland Metro Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America and the Oregon-Columbia chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators.
One of the conference highlights for me: Michelle Lantow, chief administrative officer for New Season’s Market, told how she found her dream job by having coffee with 65 strangers.
It was an excellent presentation full of valuable tips and a good case study of how informational interviews can make all the difference in a job search. Nevertheless, it was clear from the questions that followed Michelle’s remarks that informational interviews remain a foreign concept to many people.
From how to identify the right people to things not to do in an informational interview, we’ve covered this topic before on the Mac’s List. But what do you ask when you’ve got the person right in front of you?
Before an informational interview, you should research the professional background of the person you’re meeting so that you don’t waste time asking about subjects available online.
Once you’re informational interview begins, explain why you requested the appointment, engage in conversation about the person’s career, and describe your goals.
After you’ve covered those basics here are four (and one-half) questions that I recommend everyone ask:
1. Are there any professional associations you suggest I join?
Did you know there is a group of people for everything? There is, really. Tell the person you’re meeting what you’re interested in doing and ask them if they know of a relevant professional association. Involvement in such organizations is a good way to meet the leaders of your field. If you are considering joining a professional group, you can also ask if they are familiar with that group.
2. What organizations should I research?
It is impossible to know about every organization in Oregon that is linked to your mission, so ask your interviewee if they know of any organizations that you should be aware of. This might spark an idea or two about companies that are hiring, transitioning or that are in line with your mission.
3. Who do you think I should meet?
If you’ve made a good impression, this is a good way to grow your network. Ask for an introduction. If the person doesn’t have any recommendations, don’t push it, but you’ll never get what you don’t ask for.
4. What volunteer opportunities do you recommend?
Professional associations and nonprofits always need volunteers and board members. This can be a good way to extend your network and to engage with your community.