6 Tips to Target Your Job Search

Transitioning into new professional roles can be challenging, and some of us will desperately apply for job after job just to try and make the discomfort end. Instead of blindly applying for any position that comes along, be intentional about targeting your job search. You’ll thank yourself later. College graduates who haven’t had internships or… Read more »

5 Common Job Search Questions, Answered by Recruiters

Recruiting agencies are on the front lines with job seekers, fielding job search questions every day. We hear a lot of the same types of queries and have answers to most of them curated from over 25 Boly:Welch recruiters who have worked with thousands of candidates. Here are five of the most common questions we… Read more »

Make the Most of Your Next Online Job Post

If you run a business, you probably use online job listings to find the talent you need. This process can be frustrating for employers, especially when you aren’t getting the right applicants–or any applicants at all. The content of your job posting could be part of the problem! At Mac’s List, we talk with job… Read more »

4 Easy Self-Care Tips for Your Job Search

Feeling stuck, unhappy, unfulfilled, confused or overwhelmed in your job search? You’re not alone. You might think the search is taking too long. Or that you’re not making any progress despite all your effort. How do you cope and move forward towards a better day when doubt begins to take over? Looking for the perfect… Read more »

How Nonprofits Can Find Amazing Employees in a Competitive Job Market

Great employees are one of the most important assets of any organization. While your nonprofit may rely heavily on volunteers, you also have passionate and skilled employees to help accomplish your mission. But finding the right people for those jobs is increasingly difficult. Unemployment in Oregon is hovering near historic lows. And with new businesses… Read more »

Passion and Purpose: Defining Meaning in Your Career

Rewarding work isn’t always easy to find. Quite often, we face challenging decisions: Should I leave the comfort of my high-salaried job to pursue work for social good? I am passionate about so many things, how do I figure out which field to pursue? I have many skills to offer, what job is best suited… Read more »

5 Ways to Win People Over at a Networking Event

How can you use your first impression, conversation starters, and introduction to rock your next networking event and grow your network? It’s all about tapping into what intrigues people so you can be the most memorable person in the room. As a human behavior investigator, I have spent the last ten years studying the science of people in… Read more »

Specializing and Sticking To It in a Job Search: John Anthony Hartman’s Story

Even people with really cool jobs and specialized skillsets can struggle in the job market. For John Hartman, the struggle came from employers who hesitated to hire him because they were afraid he’d get bored and leave quickly for a new opportunity. John stayed true to his passion for transmedia design and production, and used… Read more »

10 Considerations For Choosing the Right Resume Writer

Have you ever considered hiring a resume writer to help improve the quality of your job applications? A professional resume rewrite can make all the difference in the world, especially if you’re in one of these all-too-common situations: You’re applying to tons of jobs but rarely hearing back from employers You’re transitioning into a new… Read more »

Your Next Job Search Doesn’t Need to Be So Painful

Anyone who has ever gone through the process knows that looking for a new job can be a frustrating, dispiriting, and painful experience. Like root canal painful. I know this because I’ve experienced several extended periods of unemployment in my life. I also speak with countless people each year who are going through difficult job searches…. Read more »

How to Get a Nonprofit Job in Portland

When it comes to understanding nonprofit jobs in Portland, few people are more informed than Kathy Grimm. Kathy worked at the United Way of the Columbia-Willamette for more than 38 years. She spent much of that time as the Director of Human Resources, helping the organization find and hire the right talent. To better understand the… Read more »

Finding A Path Through Different Careers: John Vernon Peterson’s Job Search Success Story

It’s rare to find a professional who’s stayed in the same job throughout their career. It’s more common, and more interesting, to meet someone who has worked in more than one or two vastly different careers. John Vernon Peterson is one of the latter. While he’s currently a MBA-carrying business strategist, John has also served… Read more »

Why Employers Go to Job Fairs (and You Should Too!)

“None of the employers took resumes.” This is the biggest complaint I hear from job seekers after they have attended a job fair. Followed by, “Why did I waste my time?” The employment landscape has changed. The resume alone is no longer the primary tool for finding employment. Now it’s about relationships and the application… Read more »

Take Charge of Your Next Job Interview

As an employer and as a member of hiring committees, I’ve watched many applicants struggle in job interviews. The three most common errors I see candidates make: not preparing ahead of time, letting the interviewer do all the talking, and not showing how to solve an employer’s problems. To get a job offer you have… Read more »

How to Pick the Right Interview Outfit

You’ve done your research and you understand the company culture as best as you can. Here’s your first test: pick an interview outfit that proves it! Interview attire for informal organizations If the company culture seems laid back, as many Portland agencies are, wear something that shows you understand and appreciate this.  But don’t over—or under—do it! The… Read more »

How to Write Cover Letters That Work

Often, job candidates think of their cover letter as a last-minute item. Yet the letter that accompanies your résumé has a very specific purpose. It is a demonstration of your comprehension of the organization and the position you are applying for. It is also a litmus test of your overall writing and communication skills. Here… Read more »

Find Your Tribe to Land a Job in Portland

Do you have a tribe in Portland? You probably need one if you want to advance your career. World-renowned marketing expert, Seth Godin, defines a tribe as “a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or… Read more »

Awesome Cover Letter Templates for Landing an Interview

Ask any hiring manager, HR specialist or recruiter, and they’ll tell you: Most cover letters are exceptionally awful. So bad that they can disqualify even the most-skilled candidates from further consideration. This is your FIRST impression to a potential employer. It is crucial that you get it right for any position, but especially one that… Read more »