The Case for Salary Transparency

This might be controversial advice, but employers should always include a salary range when posting a job. The modern trend of advertising a job without a salary attached is hurting both job seekers and hiring organizations. A little history: It was common to include salaries when jobs were advertised mainly in newspapers. This was still… Read more »

What to Write in Every Cover Letter: A 7-Step Checklist

What is the tried and true wisdom for writing good cover letters? Maybe it’s, “Show, don’t tell!” We’ve all heard this old advice about writing. And we also know you’re supposed to proofread your application materials until you’re cross-eyed. But beyond displaying your brilliance in an error-free letter, what else should you be including in… Read more »

Eliminate Manual Hiring Processes: The Value of an Applicant Tracking System

Hiring is a critical task in any organization. You simply can’t succeed without the right employees. But the actual process of hiring—sourcing talent, reviewing applications, moving candidates though the interview process—can be a huge challenge. (I know… hiring a new employee for my small businesses can feel like a full-time job!) One way to streamline the hiring… Read more »

3 Steps to Get a Flexible Schedule

If you were to write a wish list describing your dream job, would a flexible work schedule come to mind? While 9-to-5 workweeks in the office were once the norm for American workers, employers are increasingly offering flexibility as a job perk. It’s more common – and easier – than ever for organizations to opt… Read more »

Find the Right Networking Events For You

“Networking.” Just mention the word and watch the eyes either glaze over with anticipated boredom, or widen with preemptive anxiety. Most people think networking only happens at boozy after-hours events filled with know-it-alls in suits. But networking is actually a huge umbrella of activities that includes anything you do to connect with other professionals with… Read more »

Three Ways Reference Checks Can Help You Make the Right Hire

References should provide valuable insights into the fit of a candidate for a particular position. Reference checks are often performed as the final step in the hiring process, oftentimes once an offer is already imminent. So, how can employers engage a candidates references to get more information and make better hiring decisions? A Good Conversation… Read more »

Dwell In Your Strengths: Michael Rose’s Career Change Story

Everyone has obstacles in their job search, but you can choose to dwell in your strengths. Michael Rose was changing careers and dealing with an employment gap, but he focused on engaging with his broad network and showcasing his storytelling skills through volunteer work. In the end, he landed a job he loves. Here’s how… Read more »

Transitioning Between For-Profit and Nonprofit Work

Looking for a job in the nonprofit sector? Lots of people are! Nonprofit jobs offer an opportunity to make a direct impact on your community and help others in your day-to-day job. Unfortunately, there are often hurdles for people looking to make a leap between the for-profit and nonprofit worlds. Nonprofits and for-profits have vastly… Read more »

8 Resume Mistakes that Instantly Land You in the “No” Pile

A resume is the foundation of most job applications. It’s your sales pitch in print—your primary marketing document—for how you can solve problems and help employers. Your resume may be the first place an employer ever sees your name. The contents of the document may be all a hiring manager has to judge whether they… Read more »

Know Your Value, Know Your Worth: Mario Parker-Milligan’s Job Search Success Story

In the midst of a job search, many people feel the need to settle for “good enough.” In his most recent job hunt, Mario Parker-Milligan stayed focused on the opportunities he really wanted and refused to settle for anything less. His lesson to other job seekers: never undercut yourself for a particular job, job title, or salary…. Read more »

What Employers Really Mean When They Say You’re Overqualified (And What You Can Do About It)

Of all the reasons to not get a job, one of the most frustrating is being told that you are “overqualified” for the position. Indeed you’re constantly encouraged to learn new skills, get more education, and deepen your experience. But when you try to showcase these qualifications as part of a job search, they sometimes… Read more »

Your Transferable Skills: How to Identify & Leverage Skills to Advance Your Career

Interested in working in a new industry, but don’t have direct experience? Sometimes the barriers between you and your desired job seem too large to overcome, especially when your areas of expertise don’t line up with the requirements for the role you really want. But the truth is, you probably have many of the skills… Read more »

How to Find and Land A Hidden Job: Benny Kuo’s Story

Finding the hidden jobs that make up a large portion of the job market can seem daunting. If job openings don’t get posted, how are you supposed to find them? Benny Kuo demonstrated how it’s done in his transition from college to the workforce. He used the resources around him to reach out and find… Read more »

Common Job Search Fears That You Can Overcome

Looking for a job can be a scary, overwhelming, and demoralizing endeavor. It’s also an exciting time full of opportunity and growth! But the fears can often outweigh the excitement. You’re not alone if fear plays a role in your life during the search for that perfect job. Feelings of fear and anxiety can have… Read more »

Invest In Your Network: Julie Dalrymple’s Job Search Story

Julie moved to Portland, Oregon with skills, experience, and energy that she put into networking and volunteering. She was doing everything right, but she still experienced rejection and struggle before she found a job she loves. Find out how she got through it to find success. What do you do for a career? Who do… Read more »