5 Simple Ways To Streamline Your Hiring Process

Anyone who has ever directed a hiring process knows it can be time-consuming. Add to that the cost of a bad hire, and the process of rehiring and retraining a new employee can cost you precious time and money. You need to get it right the first time. It’s hard to find quality applicants if… Read more »

Reaching New Heights by Challenging Yourself: Heather Back’s Job Search Story

Heather Back knows the discouragement and disappointment that comes from a long job search. Heather spent two years looking for the right job, and along the way she endured countless online applications, being told she was overqualified, and submitting her resume to ATS systems. Luckily, Heather’s long job search was worth the wait and she… Read more »

Oregon Equal Pay Act Compliance Guide for Employers

Women in the U.S. who work full-time, year-round are paid only 80 cents for every dollar made by their male counterparts. That’s the “average” white woman. Black women make only 63 cents and Hispanic women make 54 cents of what their white, male counterparts make. Equal Pay Day for Latinas, the day women finally catch… Read more »

The Top Marketing Events and Networking Organizations in Portland

I moved to Portland from Phoenix, Arizona, a while back. As a new resident of Portland, one challenge I faced was building my professional network from scratch. All of my professional contacts and career connections were in Arizona, where I graduated from college and worked professionally in marketing for most of my career. Luckily, Portland… Read more »

Volunteer Smarter: A Strategic Approach to Volunteering That Helps You Find a Job

According to one LinkedIn survey, 41% of employers said they consider volunteer experience to be as valuable as paid work experience. Also, 20% of hiring managers surveyed said they had made a hiring decision based on a candidate’s volunteer experience. Volunteering can impress future employers, help you make new connections, and give you a way… Read more »

Applying Strategically for New Positions: Fiona Gwozdz’s Job Search Story

Fiona Gwozdz searched the job market for three months and relied on a variety of resources throughout her job search. Her journey to this new job included a combination of networking events, LinkedIn outreach, and informational interviews. Fiona also implemented an additional, more creative strategy. She crafted an elevator pitch to share her career story effectively… Read more »

Improve Your Hiring Strategy by Asking These 6 Questions

You’re the hiring manager and you have a great position available, but you don’t seem to be attracting candidates. This can be frustrating, especially with the pressure to find someone who’s self-motivated, results-driven, highly skilled, and a good match for your company. This is no easy task, and with the current job market tipping in… Read more »

Capitalizing on Creativity to Stand Out: Miles Shattuck’s Job Search Story

Miles Shattuck spent six months searching for a job in his desired field of marketing & communications. When it came to standing out from the crowd, Miles developed a creative plan. He combined traditional job search tactics like volunteering and networking with innovative methods such as creating a video marketing campaign to spread awareness about… Read more »

Make a Business Case to Get a Flexible Schedule

Flexibility and work-life balance are the top two considerations for the majority of millennials when evaluating a job offer. And, although they might not be as vocal about it, older workers feel the same way about flexible schedules. There are a lot of factors contributing to the importance of flexibility. Research has found productivity drops significantly… Read more »

4 Steps for Clear Candidate Communications

You’ve optimized your job listing, streamlined your hiring process, and showcased your company story, but there’s one crucial part of the hiring process you may be overlooking. Clear communication with potential candidates is essential to ensure you’re attracting top talent and giving candidates a positive experience. Poor communication can be incredibly damaging to your organization’s… Read more »

A Working Parent’s Guide to a Successful Job Search

It used to be pretty simple. You were either a “stay-at-home” parent or you worked outside the home. Roles tended to fall along gender lines and were clearly defined—one parent brought in the money, the other raised the children. Today, however, lives of working parents are rarely—if ever—defined. Perhaps you’re a new parent returning to… Read more »

How Telling Your Company’s Story Can Attract Job Candidates

In today’s tight labor market, simply posting a job listing on a job board isn’t sufficient to attract top talent. Successful recruiting requires a multi-tiered approach, including the technology you use, the mechanics of your website, and the way your company empowers employee-based referrals. To reach the people you want to hire, you need to… Read more »

Change Your Career Future By Looking Back

You’ve come to a turning point in your career and your future is uncertain. You may know it’s time for  a change but are not sure how to go about it, or even what you really want. You have a lingering feeling that whatever you’re doing right now just isn’t working, but in the midst… Read more »

3 Simple Hacks to Find Talent in a Competitive Labor Market

If you’re involved in hiring, you know it’s gotten more and more difficult to find quality employees for your organization. Employment in the Pacific Northwest is reaching all-time highs, which is great in a lot of ways! But there’s a problem: many organizations are seeing a dip in the number of qualified candidates who apply… Read more »

Four Ways to Improve Your Summertime Office Policies

For many workplaces, summertime presents unique challenges: juggling vacations, employees managing their out-of-school kids, and keeping the dress code policy enforced. If you go into summer prepared and follow this guide, your summer office policies can make summer one of the best times of year for employees. It’s a time to refresh and recharge, redefine… Read more »

Play a Better Job Search Numbers Game to Get Great Results

In today’s technologically driven job market, it’s never been easier or quicker to apply for a position. It’s easier than ever to upload a resume and apply for dozens of jobs with one click. But with all this accessibility, many job searches still last months, and qualified professionals struggle to get noticed. That’s because the… Read more »

Building Relationships to Unlock New Positions: Connor Snashall’s Job Search Story

You’re probably used to hearing the age-old expression, “it’s all about who you know.” But did you know that by building relationships you can unlock new positions and find great opportunities at some of the most coveted companies in the nation? That’s how Connor Snashall found his job working for Nike. Read Connor’s job search… Read more »

Approaching Job Hunting Like Advertising: Darol Ball’s Job Search Story

Your job search is unique. Every job seeker has their own unique value, target audience, desired position and unique skills. That’s why job seeking can be a lot like advertising a product and marketing yourself to potential employers. See how Darol Ball, registered radiologic technologist at Columbia Pain and Spine Institute applied this strategy to his job… Read more »

The Value of Networking and the Power of Career Coaching: Ginny Sorensen’s Story

Everyone faces their own challenges when job hunting and trying to determine their next move for their career. Ginny Sorensen is a management consultant for Propeller, a consulting firm with offices in Portland and San Francisco. Ginny reveals how she overcame the burn out and tiresome nature of the job-hunting experience. She shares how a combination… Read more »

What You Need to Know About Applicant Tracking Systems

If you’ve applied for a job online in the past decade, you’ve probably used an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Most employers – and up to 90% of large organizations – now use this technology to automate parts of their hiring process. And there’s plenty of mixed sentiment about whether automation helps or hurts in hiring…. Read more »

Using LinkedIn to Attract Attention, Explained: Zerline Hughes Spruill’s Job Search Story

Sometimes your dream job finds you. Zerline Hughes Spruill optimized her online presence, engaged on LinkedIn, and was contacted by a recruiter. After a two-month hiring process, she landed in a job she loves at an organization that aligns with her personal values. What do you do for a career? Who do you work for?… Read more »