Using Your Network To Find Unique Opportunities: Elizabeth Roberts’ Job Search Success Story

Elizabeth Roberts was passionate about finding a career that combined her two passions: education and events. Within a month, she was able to locate a position via her network that suited her interests. Read Elizabeth’s success story to see how hard work, patience, and being proactive with her network, paid off in the long run.

What do you do for a career? Who do you work for?

I create memorable event experiences for The International Society for Technology in Education. ISTE is a nonprofit organization that works with the global education community to accelerate the use of technology to solve tough problems and inspire innovation.

How long did it take you to find this job?

I was determined to combine my two passions, education and creating novel event experiences. Within a month, my new position found me and I found it.

How did you find your job? What resources did you use? What tool or tactic helped the most?

A good friend of mine introduced me to her friend who works at an agency specializing in matching creatives to creative positions. We met and I shared my goal of seeking to combine my passion for education with my expertise in events. As soon as this unique opportunity became available, they reached out to me about the position and introduced me to ISTE.

An important job searching tool that has worked for me is having conversations with people, not just reaching out to people online or via career sites. You can’t underestimate the power of connections and asking for what you want.   

See also  Networking to Find The Right Fit: Karly Osten's Job Search Success Story

What was the most difficult part of your job search? How did you overcome this challenge?

I honestly did not know if I could find a position that would allow me to combine my first career in teaching with my second career in hospitality. With hard work, patience and being proactive with my network, I was able to combine my two passions.

What is the single best piece of advice you would offer other job-seekers?

Keep meeting new people! Consider inviting a new person out to coffee or lunch every week.

Why do you love your job?

It’s an honor to be able to provide inspiring experiences for educators. Educators play a significant role in inspiring students to become their best selves. I also work with an incredible team and enjoy being able to utilize my former experiences as a teacher in a new way.